

Featured Products

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MCRT® 84000V & 85000V Bearingless Digital Torque Transducers

These models provide high accuracy, overrange and overload. They are simple to install and extremely tolerant of rotor-to-stator misalignments.  The latest models offer best combined non-linearity and hysteresis error of less than ±0.01% of full scale. Coupled with the many standard critical features of these units, the result is a sensor that delivers the best possible torque measurement accuracy, even under varying real world conditions.

Standard features include high mechanical overloads of either 200% or 400%, depending on model, offering a mechanical safety margin in the presence of high startup torques or large torsional oscillations. Substantial overrange of up to 300% on the electrical output signals avoids clipping of real-world torque peaks and driveline torsionals and reduces potential for errors in the average torque measurement.  An extremely stiff sensor element design yields the widest installed bandwidth and fastest installed response over any competitive model.  Wide allowable tolerance in the positioning of the stator relative to the rotor simplifies the user’s installation and protects the equipment from rotor to stator contact due to vibration or thermal growth.  They are available in three accuracy grades: ±0.04%, ±0.02% or ±0.01% of full scale combined linearity and hysteresis, and have world class temperature performance.  These characteristics permit optimal sizing and selection of the sensor to provide the best accuracy in actual testing conditions.

See complete specifications in b8701j

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