Featured Products
Our featured products are listed out below. If you'd like to view our complete list of products please visit our product website at www.himmelstein.com.MCRT® Ultra Precise Digital Torque Transducers output ±10V or ±5V analogs of torque, speed (optional) and power (optional) as well as engineering unit data via a resident com port. PC interface software furnished. They are available in two accuracy grades, 0.04% and 0.02%. Ranges from 25 to 375,000 lbf-in (2.8 to 42,400 Nm).
Null, scaling and units of measure are stored in non-volatile memory. There are no noisy pots or switches. Thirty three units of measure are supported without requiring recalibration. Thirteen user selectable Bessel filters avoid delay distortion and overshoot errors. These models incorporate new technology that hardens them to EMI generated by IGBT based adjustable speed drives.
Included software interfaces Windows-based PC’s and displays and plots real time data. Use it to select 5V or 10V analog outputs, filters, scaling, units of measure and/or to control measurements.
See complete specifications in B7409.